КК Решения текущо набира млади и мотивирани хора за работа, желаещи да допринесат за развитието на компанията и клиентите ни. Ако виждате себе си в екип, за ефективността на който можете да допринесете със свежи идеи, работа и положителна енергия, моля да изпратите вашата Автобиография и Мотивационно писмо на e-mail: office@solutionsbg.net
Очаквайте от нас
We care for our clients’ business as our business. We think and act like business partners, not academic advisors. We share our clients’ aspirations, work to understand their reality, and align our incentives with their objectives — so they know we’re in this together.
Personal impact, mentoring, and teamwork are just a few of the benefits of building a career at Consulting WP.
Отворени позиции
Job Posting Title | Location | Department | Date |
Senior Industrial Planner | Oak Ridge, TN, US | Civil Construction | ноември 8, 2019 |
Deputy Principal Construction Manager | Brooklyn, NY, US | Project Management | януари 8, 2016 |
Senior Programme Manager | Houston, TX, US | Project Management | януари 8, 2016 |
Deputy Principal Construction Manager | Toronto,Ontario, CA | Project Management | януари 8, 2016 |
Programme Engineering Manager | Richland, WA, US | Project Management | януари 7, 2016 |
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“The results were clear, professional, and persuasive, and the investors and advisors who have seen the materials loved them. They know what investors want!”